
What is MaskBloc.org?

MaskBloc.org's goal is to lists all active Mask Blocs in the world. It strives to be fully accessible to people with disabilities, as well as being easily discoverable through search engines.

This is a work in progress, and the website is not yet fully accessible, but we are working hard on it! If you notice any accessibility issue, feel free to us drop a line at contact@maskbloc.org.

MaskBloc.org is not affiliated with any of the groups listed. If you want us to remove your Bloc from the listing, please reach out.

What are Mask Blocs?

Blocs are formed when individuals or groups unite around a common goal. Blocs can take many forms, ranging from voting and political pressure groups, to advocacy groups and mutual aid organizations.

Mask Blocs are independent mutual aid group providing high quality masks to their community for free. They may also provide other tools and information about COVID-19, clean air, testing, vaccination and accessibility.

How to contribute

You want to contribute? That's awesome. If you want to add a new Mask Bloc, update existing information, suggest improvements or become part of team, reach out to contact@maskbloc.org.

If you send us information about a new Mask Bloc, we might slightly edit the description to make it screen reader friendly.

The source code of this website will soon be open sourced and we will accept pull requests / merge requests.

(How) Can I start a Mask Bloc?

We're glad you're considering starting a new Bloc! A group of eight Mask Blocs published a collaborative zine to get you started. We hope to list your new Mask Bloc soon!

Sources & Credits

MaskBloc.org aggregates data from multiple sources:

We want to thank all of the groups and people listed above. Their hard work made the existence of MaskBloc.org possible. We also want everyone engaged in the Mask Bloc movement, you rock fam!